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51 Results found for john boehner

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John Boehner says he has the plan to fix it all. He’s NOT going to use his leverage to defund ObamaCare in the continuing resolution vote.
John Boehner says he has the plan to fix it all. He’s NOT going to use his leverage to defund ObamaCare in the continuing resolution vote.
Boy, have Boehner and his folks got their talking points down.
Charlotte's rookie congressman has apparently decided that pleasing John Boehner and Eric Cantor is more important than saving the country and protecting the folks back home.
Charlotte's rookie congressman has apparently decided that pleasing John Boehner and Eric Cantor is more important than saving the country and protecting the folks back home.
The Politico -- hardly a right-wing rag -- has broken a story about a bipartisan group of politicians seeking to exempt themselves and their staffs from the impending implementation of ObamaCare.
The Politico -- hardly a right-wing rag -- has broken a story about a bipartisan group of politicians seeking to exempt themselves and their staffs from the impending implementation of ObamaCare.
US House Speaker John Boehner and his team have pushed through several pieces of legislation opposed by a majority of Republicans, but supported by a majority of Democrats, and say they will do it again and again.
US House Speaker John Boehner and his team have pushed through several pieces of legislation opposed by a majority of Republicans, but supported by a majority of Democrats, and say they will do it again and again.
The mainstream media and The White House are warning of a coming apocalypse brought on by "draconian" spending cuts in the budget sequester that is to kick in on March 1.
The mainstream media and The White House are warning of a coming apocalypse brought on by "draconian" spending cuts in the budget sequester that is to kick in on March 1.
It's amazing how Americans have sat by and allowed the statists in DC to ignore, rewrite and basically stomp all over the specifics of the U.S. Constitution.
It's amazing how Americans have sat by and allowed the statists in DC to ignore, rewrite and basically stomp all over the specifics of the U.S. Constitution.
We've moved from Boehner and Obama meeting privately to McConnell and Biden meeting privately. Never mind those 534 OTHER FOLKS, duly elected by the people, on Capitol Hill and that pesky old Constitution thingie.
We've moved from Boehner and Obama meeting privately to McConnell and Biden meeting privately. Never mind those 534 OTHER FOLKS, duly elected by the people, on Capitol Hill and that pesky old Constitution thingie.
An awful lot of the DC Republican establishment is lashing out at conservatives who were unwilling to go along with John Boehner and Eric Cantor's tail-tucking surrender on taxes and the "fiscal cliff."
An awful lot of the DC Republican establishment is lashing out at conservatives who were unwilling to go along with John Boehner and Eric Cantor's tail-tucking surrender on taxes and the "fiscal cliff."
The article was about the failure of Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ proposal to win enough support to pass the Congress. The plan — identical to something Nancy Pelosi proposed in May — would keep the tax rates the same for anyone making up to $1 million a year.
The article was about the failure of Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ proposal to win enough support to pass the Congress. The plan — identical to something Nancy Pelosi proposed in May — would keep the tax rates the same for anyone making up to $1 million a year.
What does it mean to be Republican? Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater established the national party as a force for shrinking government and cutting taxes.
What does it mean to be Republican? Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater established the national party as a force for shrinking government and cutting taxes.
Brant Clifton wrote two short pieces on Friday, and I am writing one today. Does anyone really care?
To paraphrase El Rushbo -- the closer you are geographically to DC, and the longer you stay there, the less conservative you become over time.
To paraphrase El Rushbo -- the closer you are geographically to DC, and the longer you stay there, the less conservative you become over time.
Washington is buzzing about a bit of theater on the US House floor recently, involving a group of Members that included The Second District's Renee Ellmers:
Washington is buzzing about a bit of theater on the US House floor recently, involving a group of Members that included The Second District's Renee Ellmers:
On Wednesday, April 6, about 800-1000 Tea Party and other conservative groups stood on the Capitol lawn in Washington DC to tell the government to "Cut Spending!"
On Wednesday, April 6, about 800-1000 Tea Party and other conservative groups stood on the Capitol lawn in Washington DC to tell the government to "Cut Spending!"
On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, President Barack went to Parma, Ohio to speak to the students, faculty and local labor union members at the Cuyahoga Community College.
On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, President Barack went to Parma, Ohio to speak to the students, faculty and local labor union members at the Cuyahoga Community College.
March 21, 2010: The day our elected officials ignored the will of the people and took that huge leap down the road to socialism.
March 21, 2010: The day our elected officials ignored the will of the people and took that huge leap down the road to socialism.
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